Spring Newsletter Green Committee
It has been a busy couple of months for the Committee find out what they have been up to below!
Since November and throughout December all students were invited to participate in a competition to come up with our new Green Code. The code needed to be updated to reflect our work on the Energy theme over the last two years. After a lot of brainstorming and head scratching the winners were Adam, Ameesh, Danben, Ray Daniel and Daniel from First year. Their prize was a canteen voucher and the new Green Code can be seen below. Well done boys and enjoy your prize!
December 1
Well done to the LCA students who made the
schools Christmas tree this year from recycled pallets. Thanks to Mr. Bergin too. The tree featured in the DLRCoCo Spring
Newsletter which was sent to over 110 schools in the local area.
March 10
During National Tree week TY will be planting trees in Shanganagh Park.
Important Announcement
Renewal Visit for the second Green flag on energy took place in late
November. Dean Eaton from the County
Council was very impressed with all of the students and their hard work on the
theme of energy. Well done boys. Fingers
crossed we will be receiving our second flag in May.Climate Change Workshop
On January 18th all Fifth Year
students participated in a Climate Change Workshop that was run by Presentation
Ecology. During the workshop students
examined issues relating to climate change including:
Change and Energy
Change and Our Food System
Change and Business
Change and Transport
Feedback was very
positive with everyone saying that they had learned something and that they
particularly enjoyed the activities of buying and selling fossil fuels.
Thank you from the Green Committee
We all want to say
thank you to all of the students who are doing so well at using the new
bins. The new school is looking really
well and we are delighted that our First Year Litter Pickers have nothing to do
after break and lunchtime!! Please remember to put your rubbish in the correct
section of the bins in the canteen and remember no eating on the corridor.
Our new Green Code
St Brendan's College: Save the power, save the pride, the greener the school, the cleaner inside.
Our new Green Code: written by Ameesh, Daniel, Adam
Bushe, Rei Daniel and Danben.
We need your ideas!
As we continue working on our
second Green Flag on the theme
of Energy we must now update our Green Code to reflect all that
we have achieved and are
learning on the theme of Energy.
Our existing code is:"St
Brendan’s College: As Good as it
gets, As green as it gets”.
The Green Committee are
running a competition amongst
all students to come up with the
new version.
You can completely overhaul the
code, keep elements but add
extra words, use our new name,
whatever you like!
Prize for the winner is a voucher from the canteen
The new code must reflect our work on both litter and energy.
Entries must be written on a piece of paper with
your name and handed to any teacher by Friday
December 11th @ 11am
St Brendans College Green Committee
ACTION PLAN 2014-2015
Litter and Energy
Person Responsible
- Attend Eco-Conference 2015
12 Green Committee Members
8th October 2015
- Organise a litter picking rota for 1st yrs.
Ms O’Neill
Within first month of entering new school
- Participate in “One Good Idea” Competition
Ms Hargan & TY Env Studies Class
Sept 2015
- Organise fundraising activities and awareness of /for the Green
Ms Hand/Green Committee
Throughout the year
- Monitor composting in the staff room & canteen
Ms Hand & new canteen staff.
Throughout the year
New internal composters to be installed in staff
room and canteen
- Take part in National Spring Clean
Ms Hand and TY with Shankill Tidy Towns
April 2016
- Recycle lockers from old school building
Mr Taylor
October 2015
keep everyone informed about our progress with website, noticeboard, blog and
Ms Hand
Throughout the year
- Tinfoil Toss
Green Committee and Ms Hand
Spirit Week 2015
- Conduct a Draught & Insulation Survey
Kevin Bushe
December 2015
- Carry out an Appliance Audit
Kevin Bushe
December 2015
- Carry out a Temperature Survey
Kevin Bushe
December 2015
- Visit classrooms ad explain what containers
go in new bins in canteen and classrooms
Aaron, Callum and Luke
November 2015
- Monitor Electricity Meter Readings
Nathan Devlin
Throughout the Year
- Prepare comparison charts on Energy Usage Sep 2014/15
Numeracy Group & Ms
November 2015
- Appoint monitors to turn off lights and appliances and close
First Years
Throughout the year
- Conduct analysis on requirements for the new school
Ms Hand Stephen and Michael
By February 2015
18. Speak to caretaker about turning off all computers
and photocopiers at end of day
Ms S Hand
October 2015
- Repost Green Code around the new school
As soon as we finally move!
- Attend Green Schools Energy Conference
Ms S Hand
September 2015
- Organise Climate Conference SEAI
Ms S Hand
January 2015
- Energy Awareness Module
CSPE Teachers
Ms M Hand & Ryan C
December 2015
- Re - Conduct an Energy Awareness Survey Among 2nd Yrs.
Ms Hand & Analysis by TY
Nov/Dec 2015
- Introduce daily reminders about switching off computers
Mr Taylor
In new school building
- Survey to check there are enough bins in
new school offices etc.
November 2015
- Meet with new canteen staff to outline our
- Run competition to come up with an Energy
based Green Code
- Find out about the new heating system and
Patryk & Jack TY
November 2015
- Introduce battery recycling in aid of Laura
Link with
2nd/3rd Yr. Science Teachers
October 2015
- Participate in Climate Workshop
Committee and selected classes.
January 2016
- Send regular texts with Energy Saving tips
to parents
the year with seasonal relevance i.e. Lights around Xmas thermostat turned
down in Spring etc.
All Year
- Speak to new cleaners about our Green Flag
Ms Hand
& Mr Taylor
November 2015
As you can see there is a lot to do to achieve our second
flag!! Please keep up all of the great work that has got us this far.
The Green Committee have also introduced a mini action plan
for the first month or two in our new school building. If you spot anything that the Green Committee
should be looking in to let us know.
Person Responsible
- Attend Eco-Conference 2015
12 Green Committee Members
8th October 2015
- Organise a litter picking rota for 1st yrs.
Ms O’Neill
Within first month of entering new school
- Participate in “One Good Idea” Competition
Ms Hargan & TY Env Studies Class
Sept 2015
- Organise fundraising activities and awareness of /for the Green
Ms Hand/Green Committee
Throughout the year
- Monitor composting in the staff room & canteen
Ms Hand & new canteen staff.
Throughout the year
New internal composters to be installed in staff
room and canteen
- Take part in National Spring Clean
Ms Hand and TY with Shankill Tidy Towns
April 2016
- Recycle lockers from old school building
Mr Taylor
October 2015
keep everyone informed about our progress with website, noticeboard, blog and
Ms Hand
Throughout the year
- Tinfoil Toss
Green Committee and Ms Hand
Spirit Week 2015
- Conduct a Draught & Insulation Survey
Kevin Bushe
December 2015
- Carry out an Appliance Audit
Kevin Bushe
December 2015
- Carry out a Temperature Survey
Kevin Bushe
December 2015
- Visit classrooms ad explain what containers
go in new bins in canteen and classrooms
Aaron, Callum and Luke
November 2015
- Monitor Electricity Meter Readings
Nathan Devlin
Throughout the Year
- Prepare comparison charts on Energy Usage Sep 2014/15
Numeracy Group & Ms
November 2015
- Appoint monitors to turn off lights and appliances and close
First Years
Throughout the year
- Conduct analysis on requirements for the new school
Ms Hand Stephen and Michael
By February 2015
18. Speak to caretaker about turning off all computers
and photocopiers at end of day
Ms S Hand
October 2015
- Repost Green Code around the new school
As soon as we finally move!
- Attend Green Schools Energy Conference
Ms S Hand
September 2015
- Organise Climate Conference SEAI
Ms S Hand
January 2015
- Energy Awareness Module
CSPE Teachers
Ms M Hand & Ryan C
December 2015
- Re - Conduct an Energy Awareness Survey Among 2nd Yrs.
Ms Hand & Analysis by TY
Nov/Dec 2015
- Introduce daily reminders about switching off computers
Mr Taylor
In new school building
- Survey to check there are enough bins in
new school offices etc.
November 2015
- Meet with new canteen staff to outline our
- Run competition to come up with an Energy
based Green Code
- Find out about the new heating system and
Patryk & Jack TY
November 2015
- Introduce battery recycling in aid of Laura
Link with
2nd/3rd Yr. Science Teachers
October 2015
- Participate in Climate Workshop
Committee and selected classes.
January 2016
- Send regular texts with Energy Saving tips
to parents
the year with seasonal relevance i.e. Lights around Xmas thermostat turned
down in Spring etc.
All Year
- Speak to new cleaners about our Green Flag
Ms Hand
& Mr Taylor
November 2015
Green schools update
Summer 2015
ENERGY: What have we done this year?
We began work on our second Green Flag in September and so
far things have being going very well.
We have done the following:
Designed & Installed signs reminding people
to save energy
Conducted a Draught & Insulation Survey
Held an Appliance Audit
Did a Temperature Survey
Appointed monitors to ensure lights etc. are
being turned off at break tie.
Held a Low Energy Day
o Conducted
an Energy Awareness Survey among 1st Yr. students & Parents
o We
have put together our Energy Statement for the year, you will be hearing and
seeing a lot more about this next year! The details are below too.
o We
took part and had a winner in the Instabin Competition
o We
continued our litter picking Rota and recycling.
o We increased our rate of can recycling by 15%
The Green Committee want to thank everybody
who has helped us through the year. We look forward to a big year next year
full of challenges. We want to set up
the new school to be as environmentally friendly as possible, renew our First
Green Flag and hopefully achieve our second Green Flag by the end of next
year. Get Involved in September we are
always looking for new members.
St Brendan's Energy Statement:
St Brendans is dedicated to implementing energy efficient
practices, recognising that this is essential to provide a leading example
to our pupils and the wider community. We are committed to the following:
Minimising the impact that our energy
use has on the environment
Ensuring suppliers and contractors are aware of our energy
Have a great, green summer!
March 6th 2015
Recently, An Taisce ran a Neat Streets Competition called '#instabin' where they encouraged students across Ireland to record themselves binning their rubbish in artistic and creative ways. There was a €50 prize for the winner, who would be chosen from all videos on instragram tagged with #instabin. Nikita Polakovs, from fifth year, was the overall winner of the competition. Other entries are photographed below, along with the winning video!
If you have other entries or videos related to the Instabin competition or any other work related to the Green Committee, send them in to us on sbcbray@gmail.com
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